I was supposed to blog everyday like I did last year, but I guess that I did not stick to my word. So before I apologize, I should probably give you all the details of what has happened since my last post.
Also I am putting pictures in here too, and in another post!
Sunday, June 17th, 2012
We arrived at Indigo Bluffs around 3:30, I think. It was sunny, beautiful, and, best of all, hot! Once we were checked in and got settled on our wonderful lot, my best friend, Anna, and I decided we would go swimming.... Not a good idea. There were so many people, well younger kids, in the pool that we both changed our minds. We ended up "catching" frogs in the gorgeous pond right outside of our lot. We named one Bertie, who is the nicest frog in the world! He let us pet him and pick him up. Then we caught one and named him Ned. Ned is a lime green frog who is amazing. Next there's Alfredo. He is a mean frog. Later on that night, we went back to the pool, and, luckily, there was no one there! (Since it was around dinner time) We swam for a while, then went back to the RV, where we cooked s'mores. Anna and I made such a sticky mess with our hands that Spider man would've been jealous! After that, we went to a beach that has beautiful sunsets. We took the dogs and Mia loved the sand so much. I swear she looked high when she was running around like crazy! When we returned home, Anna and I were both so exhausted that we fell asleep almost instantly... (after a major giggle fit..)
Monday, June 18th, 2012
Today we decided to go to the isolated beach. I really missed that place! It was as beautiful as I remembered. I'm more interested in finding sea glass, than swimming, but Anna likes to swim. So while I was searching, quite successfully, for sea glass, Anna was attempting to swim in the shallow water. After that we went to the pool. I think that is all that we did.
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
We went to the isolated beach again today. I also think that we went into town and shopped. Anna and I both got 2 pairs of aviator sunglasses that are adorable! We also bought a boogie board.. and later learned that we needed two because Anna and I enjoyed it so much! Although we never used the second board because it was too cold.
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012.
So it happened one of these days. Maybe the 21st, 22nd, or the 23rd. I don't really remember.
Well Anna and I were boogie boarding / body surfing on the isolated beach. Since I'm kind of afraid of water, well I'm not afraid of water, I'm afraid of not being able to see my feet, (Or being bitten by something) I was extremely grateful that the water only comes up to your mid-thigh, in most places, and is crystal clear. I swear that we were doing this for about 2 hours! The only downside is that there are random arrangements of rocks, big and small, throughout the water. When a wave would come, we would have to hope that there wouldn't be a rock in the way. I still have some blue marks.. We ended up deciding that we had had enough of the rocks and were moving to a better, rockless spot. As we were walking down the beach, this guy comes down toward us. Well he wasn't just any guy, he was a gorgeous Abercrombie and Fitch model times 1,000,000,000,000. I guess what I'm trying to say is he was totally drool worthy, the kind of guy that makes you melt like butter on the inside.. by just looking at him, omg. Well as we were walking away, the guy goes to our spot, (where Anna and I were just body surfing) strips down to his underwear, (they were briefs (; ) and starts to body surf. Oddly, he only does it about 3 times, then quickly gets dressed, and speed walks away up the path. We finally reached my parents, who had just come into our view, and excitedly told them the story as we walked up the same path to our car... They were creeped out. (I could also tell that Anna was looking for him.. I have to admit.. I was too, but he was no where in sight) It was only until a couple days later when my dad told us something that made our drooling mouths dry up instantly.
I know that this is going to sound dumb, but when you think about it and connect the dots, it could be merely coincidental or completely intertwined.
What my dad told us was... As my parents were walking down the beach toward us, we were barely in their sight, there was another man walking towards them. When he saw my parents, he cut up though the grass and went through the woods, towards the road. They saw that soon after the man did that, the really hot guy got out of the water and took off. Anna and I both thought that it was fishy that he only body surfed 3 times. If he was just going to take a dip in the water, it would've been in and out. Hmm. My dad then told us that when we went up to our car, about 30 seconds after the really hot guy left, he saw the kind of van that you stay away from, it's just an instinct. You know, the scary white van? Well, he said that this one was a Chevy and was a golden color. Anna and I didn't notice it because we were too busy fawning over this godly man. (lol) When he told us this, we both realized that the guy had kept looking back at us when we were walking away, embarrassingly enough, we thought that, well, he was checking out our butts, (This is so embarrassing!) but, from watching so many episodes of NCIS, we decided that he was trying to hold our attention, so that he could possibly lure us away... Now Anna and I know that even if the guy is extremely hot, he could be trying to kidnap you, or is just a major pervert who likes underage girls.
Do you see how it could have been a coincidence or an attempted kidnapping? It probably was nothing, but it really opened our eyes to how deceiving looks can be! From now on, if I ever meet a very attractive person, I am doing a full back ground check on them for any criminal records, bad deeds, and grades... (I have to know if they are smart or not because if they are smart, then they will be able to construct a perfect evil plan that won't fail. It was pretty obvious that these guys were amateurs..) Just kidding.. well maybe. Although, from now on, I am going to make sure that I am in my parents range of sight! I also devised a plan. It's what I will do if I am ever kidnapped on the beach. So if they try to grab me, I will kick them in the groin and jab them in the rib. I will also run for the nearest stick that is sharp, screaming my head off, and stab them through the cheek or in the eye.. then run away as fast as I can! But who would want to kidnap me? I'm pretty much crazy..
We learned our lesson to not trust strangers though!
June 24th - the 26th
So we pretty much went to the isolated beach everyday, went and got ice cream after, coffee for Anna and cake batter/coffee for me, and then went to the pool. That was pretty much all that we did...
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Oh, but we also went kayaking one day. It was so much fun! It was about a 6 and a half mile ride on a crystal clear river! It was so beautiful! I did not think I would like kayaking, since it was my first time, but I really enjoyed it! Even though I fell out at one point, lost my life vest, (since we didn't need to wear one, but it was required that we have one in the boat) and lost my shoe.. but don't worry! I recovered all of the lost items.. I also ran into a couple trees that had fallen down, but I think all of us, Anna, my dad, and I, hit a couple obstacles. As I was rowing down the river, I started to think that it was a lot like life. In the beginning, it was calm and easy, I was just starting to get the hang of it. Then came the obstacles, obviously the challenges in our life. Each time, I had to avoid or get out of the situation, and each time, I solved the problem, each one with its own level of difficulty.
Next came this tube that you could go down, it went very fast when you came out, and you would have to make a sharp left turn or you would run into the bank. The other option was to drag your kayak across the road from the portage. (The definition is "The word portage as it refers to paddling is the act of carrying a boat, raft, canoe, or kayak around an obstacle in the water. Portage can also refer to the path one uses to carry their boat around the obstacle.") So I was going to go down the tube, but I couldn't get lined up properly and I fell out. (This is where I lost my life vest and my shoe. I'm special.) So in the end, I had to take the portage.. because I was embarrassed of my obvious fail at kayaking. I realized that the tube represented the risks in life that you can take, without knowing the outcome, and the portage represented the easier way out. You know what the outcome is going to be and it's the safest option. I realized all of this after I had an inner hissy fit.. Don't judge me, I had never fallen out of a boat before.. I am such a wimp.. All of this hit me when I had calmed down. When it hit me, I was, I'm just going to call it coasting, (I wasn't using the paddle) along the river. It was a little deeper than the previous parts. I know that I've said this before, I am kind of afraid of water, and I did not want to fall in at this part. Mostly because there was a ton of weird grass at the bottom and I don't like.. river.. grass.. I guess. (I sound so messed right now.) Even though the water was crystal clear and calm without any obstacles, I was kind of nervous. I learned that it represented the calmer parts of life where everything is going okay, but if something went wrong, you would not be able to handle it. Anyways, those are my inferences of wisdom.. for the whole year. :)
Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Today, Anna had to go home because her two weeks with us, were, unfortunately, up. It was a good drive and we made awesome time! It was about a 4 and a half hour drive to and from. We met in Ann Arbor at a Red Robbins.. I've never ate there before.. It was quite sad that she had to go! I really enjoyed having a friend here! On our way home, I had some really good chats with my dad!
As we were driving home, it was so hot! Just look at the temperature!

Friday, June 29th, 2012
Today, the weather was gorgeous! We went to the beach and it was so hot! I found a ton of sea glass! I'll put some pictures on here! Before Anna left, I was able to get her hooked on finding sea glass, but she had a hard time concentrating because she has a concussion.. :(
Saturday, June 30th, 2012.
Today we went to a place that's south of Empire. We went shopping and ate at a Jewish deli that my parents said was very good, I was not hungry. We went into a shoe store and I got a new pair of Sperry Top-Sider's! I love them so much! It's my 3rd pair. I named them Bonnie and Clyde. :)
We stopped at a light house, which was very pretty. Then we went back home. I cannot recall if we went to the beach or not.

Sunday, July 1st, 2012
Today we went to church, obviously! It was a wonderful mass! After mass we came home and had lunch, read for a little, then headed to the beach. I know that I have said this before, but the beach was absolutely stunning. The water was extremely calm today and was so clear, it was like looking through glass in high definition. It was also very hot that day, so I was extremely grateful for the cool water! I found a bit of sea glass, but I was more interested in getting a tan.
Monday, July 2nd, 2012
Today, was a lazy day.. And I mean lazy! We all just sat down and relaxed/read all day. I know that it sounds boring, but it's not. I enjoy reading.. a lot. I finished about 4 books today! That's all we did.
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
Today, I woke up to horrible thunderstorms.. but I've always secretly enjoyed seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. I've always found it interesting. I fell back asleep to the sound of rain, which is very calming. My parents went out to go grocery shopping and I decided to stay home. So here I am, catching up on my blog that was supposed to be daily.. and I guess that it's time to start apologizing and blaming random things for my laziness.
Well first off, my dad's wifi hot spot on his phone was not working correctly for a while, I also had a friend with me for two weeks, and I felt that it would be rude if I was blogging. My last reason is because I was too lazy to blog. That shows how dedicated I am...
I promise to be more active in blogging now that I do not have any distractions!
Also I am putting pictures in here too, and in another post!
Sunday, June 17th, 2012
We arrived at Indigo Bluffs around 3:30, I think. It was sunny, beautiful, and, best of all, hot! Once we were checked in and got settled on our wonderful lot, my best friend, Anna, and I decided we would go swimming.... Not a good idea. There were so many people, well younger kids, in the pool that we both changed our minds. We ended up "catching" frogs in the gorgeous pond right outside of our lot. We named one Bertie, who is the nicest frog in the world! He let us pet him and pick him up. Then we caught one and named him Ned. Ned is a lime green frog who is amazing. Next there's Alfredo. He is a mean frog. Later on that night, we went back to the pool, and, luckily, there was no one there! (Since it was around dinner time) We swam for a while, then went back to the RV, where we cooked s'mores. Anna and I made such a sticky mess with our hands that Spider man would've been jealous! After that, we went to a beach that has beautiful sunsets. We took the dogs and Mia loved the sand so much. I swear she looked high when she was running around like crazy! When we returned home, Anna and I were both so exhausted that we fell asleep almost instantly... (after a major giggle fit..)
Monday, June 18th, 2012
Today we decided to go to the isolated beach. I really missed that place! It was as beautiful as I remembered. I'm more interested in finding sea glass, than swimming, but Anna likes to swim. So while I was searching, quite successfully, for sea glass, Anna was attempting to swim in the shallow water. After that we went to the pool. I think that is all that we did.
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
We went to the isolated beach again today. I also think that we went into town and shopped. Anna and I both got 2 pairs of aviator sunglasses that are adorable! We also bought a boogie board.. and later learned that we needed two because Anna and I enjoyed it so much! Although we never used the second board because it was too cold.
Wednesday, June 20th, 2012.
So it happened one of these days. Maybe the 21st, 22nd, or the 23rd. I don't really remember.
Well Anna and I were boogie boarding / body surfing on the isolated beach. Since I'm kind of afraid of water, well I'm not afraid of water, I'm afraid of not being able to see my feet, (Or being bitten by something) I was extremely grateful that the water only comes up to your mid-thigh, in most places, and is crystal clear. I swear that we were doing this for about 2 hours! The only downside is that there are random arrangements of rocks, big and small, throughout the water. When a wave would come, we would have to hope that there wouldn't be a rock in the way. I still have some blue marks.. We ended up deciding that we had had enough of the rocks and were moving to a better, rockless spot. As we were walking down the beach, this guy comes down toward us. Well he wasn't just any guy, he was a gorgeous Abercrombie and Fitch model times 1,000,000,000,000. I guess what I'm trying to say is he was totally drool worthy, the kind of guy that makes you melt like butter on the inside.. by just looking at him, omg. Well as we were walking away, the guy goes to our spot, (where Anna and I were just body surfing) strips down to his underwear, (they were briefs (; ) and starts to body surf. Oddly, he only does it about 3 times, then quickly gets dressed, and speed walks away up the path. We finally reached my parents, who had just come into our view, and excitedly told them the story as we walked up the same path to our car... They were creeped out. (I could also tell that Anna was looking for him.. I have to admit.. I was too, but he was no where in sight) It was only until a couple days later when my dad told us something that made our drooling mouths dry up instantly.
I know that this is going to sound dumb, but when you think about it and connect the dots, it could be merely coincidental or completely intertwined.
What my dad told us was... As my parents were walking down the beach toward us, we were barely in their sight, there was another man walking towards them. When he saw my parents, he cut up though the grass and went through the woods, towards the road. They saw that soon after the man did that, the really hot guy got out of the water and took off. Anna and I both thought that it was fishy that he only body surfed 3 times. If he was just going to take a dip in the water, it would've been in and out. Hmm. My dad then told us that when we went up to our car, about 30 seconds after the really hot guy left, he saw the kind of van that you stay away from, it's just an instinct. You know, the scary white van? Well, he said that this one was a Chevy and was a golden color. Anna and I didn't notice it because we were too busy fawning over this godly man. (lol) When he told us this, we both realized that the guy had kept looking back at us when we were walking away, embarrassingly enough, we thought that, well, he was checking out our butts, (This is so embarrassing!) but, from watching so many episodes of NCIS, we decided that he was trying to hold our attention, so that he could possibly lure us away... Now Anna and I know that even if the guy is extremely hot, he could be trying to kidnap you, or is just a major pervert who likes underage girls.
Do you see how it could have been a coincidence or an attempted kidnapping? It probably was nothing, but it really opened our eyes to how deceiving looks can be! From now on, if I ever meet a very attractive person, I am doing a full back ground check on them for any criminal records, bad deeds, and grades... (I have to know if they are smart or not because if they are smart, then they will be able to construct a perfect evil plan that won't fail. It was pretty obvious that these guys were amateurs..) Just kidding.. well maybe. Although, from now on, I am going to make sure that I am in my parents range of sight! I also devised a plan. It's what I will do if I am ever kidnapped on the beach. So if they try to grab me, I will kick them in the groin and jab them in the rib. I will also run for the nearest stick that is sharp, screaming my head off, and stab them through the cheek or in the eye.. then run away as fast as I can! But who would want to kidnap me? I'm pretty much crazy..
We learned our lesson to not trust strangers though!
June 24th - the 26th
So we pretty much went to the isolated beach everyday, went and got ice cream after, coffee for Anna and cake batter/coffee for me, and then went to the pool. That was pretty much all that we did...
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Oh, but we also went kayaking one day. It was so much fun! It was about a 6 and a half mile ride on a crystal clear river! It was so beautiful! I did not think I would like kayaking, since it was my first time, but I really enjoyed it! Even though I fell out at one point, lost my life vest, (since we didn't need to wear one, but it was required that we have one in the boat) and lost my shoe.. but don't worry! I recovered all of the lost items.. I also ran into a couple trees that had fallen down, but I think all of us, Anna, my dad, and I, hit a couple obstacles. As I was rowing down the river, I started to think that it was a lot like life. In the beginning, it was calm and easy, I was just starting to get the hang of it. Then came the obstacles, obviously the challenges in our life. Each time, I had to avoid or get out of the situation, and each time, I solved the problem, each one with its own level of difficulty.
Next came this tube that you could go down, it went very fast when you came out, and you would have to make a sharp left turn or you would run into the bank. The other option was to drag your kayak across the road from the portage. (The definition is "The word portage as it refers to paddling is the act of carrying a boat, raft, canoe, or kayak around an obstacle in the water. Portage can also refer to the path one uses to carry their boat around the obstacle.") So I was going to go down the tube, but I couldn't get lined up properly and I fell out. (This is where I lost my life vest and my shoe. I'm special.) So in the end, I had to take the portage.. because I was embarrassed of my obvious fail at kayaking. I realized that the tube represented the risks in life that you can take, without knowing the outcome, and the portage represented the easier way out. You know what the outcome is going to be and it's the safest option. I realized all of this after I had an inner hissy fit.. Don't judge me, I had never fallen out of a boat before.. I am such a wimp.. All of this hit me when I had calmed down. When it hit me, I was, I'm just going to call it coasting, (I wasn't using the paddle) along the river. It was a little deeper than the previous parts. I know that I've said this before, I am kind of afraid of water, and I did not want to fall in at this part. Mostly because there was a ton of weird grass at the bottom and I don't like.. river.. grass.. I guess. (I sound so messed right now.) Even though the water was crystal clear and calm without any obstacles, I was kind of nervous. I learned that it represented the calmer parts of life where everything is going okay, but if something went wrong, you would not be able to handle it. Anyways, those are my inferences of wisdom.. for the whole year. :)
Thursday, June 28th, 2012
Today, Anna had to go home because her two weeks with us, were, unfortunately, up. It was a good drive and we made awesome time! It was about a 4 and a half hour drive to and from. We met in Ann Arbor at a Red Robbins.. I've never ate there before.. It was quite sad that she had to go! I really enjoyed having a friend here! On our way home, I had some really good chats with my dad!
As we were driving home, it was so hot! Just look at the temperature!

Friday, June 29th, 2012
Today, the weather was gorgeous! We went to the beach and it was so hot! I found a ton of sea glass! I'll put some pictures on here! Before Anna left, I was able to get her hooked on finding sea glass, but she had a hard time concentrating because she has a concussion.. :(
Saturday, June 30th, 2012.
Today we went to a place that's south of Empire. We went shopping and ate at a Jewish deli that my parents said was very good, I was not hungry. We went into a shoe store and I got a new pair of Sperry Top-Sider's! I love them so much! It's my 3rd pair. I named them Bonnie and Clyde. :)
We stopped at a light house, which was very pretty. Then we went back home. I cannot recall if we went to the beach or not.

Sunday, July 1st, 2012
Today we went to church, obviously! It was a wonderful mass! After mass we came home and had lunch, read for a little, then headed to the beach. I know that I have said this before, but the beach was absolutely stunning. The water was extremely calm today and was so clear, it was like looking through glass in high definition. It was also very hot that day, so I was extremely grateful for the cool water! I found a bit of sea glass, but I was more interested in getting a tan.
Monday, July 2nd, 2012
Today, was a lazy day.. And I mean lazy! We all just sat down and relaxed/read all day. I know that it sounds boring, but it's not. I enjoy reading.. a lot. I finished about 4 books today! That's all we did.
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
Today, I woke up to horrible thunderstorms.. but I've always secretly enjoyed seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. I've always found it interesting. I fell back asleep to the sound of rain, which is very calming. My parents went out to go grocery shopping and I decided to stay home. So here I am, catching up on my blog that was supposed to be daily.. and I guess that it's time to start apologizing and blaming random things for my laziness.
Well first off, my dad's wifi hot spot on his phone was not working correctly for a while, I also had a friend with me for two weeks, and I felt that it would be rude if I was blogging. My last reason is because I was too lazy to blog. That shows how dedicated I am...
I promise to be more active in blogging now that I do not have any distractions!
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