I would like to be a bone marrow donor. When I read the 3 book series "Angels in Pink" You'd have to read it to understand, I realized that even with a slim chance, you can save someones life. My mom doesn't really want me to be, but it's my decision. Even if my hips hurt a little for a while, it will all be worth it, Right? I think she's concerned because you have to go under silly gas. I'm not sure how to spell the other thing. :P I just feel that I really need to do it, and there might not even be a match for mine, but at least I would of tried. I was looking at the dashboard on here and I looked at the reading list. You guys should really check out the blog called, "Alice's Bucket List." She's a 15 year old girl with terminal cancer and she created a bucket list, (things that she wants to do before she passes on) like swimming with sharks... etc. I just started following her today, but it's really amazing. Another thing on her list is to make everyone a bone marrow donor. I'd already wanted to be one before I saw her blog. She has over 14,000 followers. But this really gave me a push. But I think you have to be over 18 to do it. Grrrr. Btw if I ever get in a car crash or anything that makes me die, I would like to a organ donor. Since I don't have my drivers license I don't have any written permission anywhere that says I would like to be. Well on here I give my full permission to be a organ donor.
6 more days until the horribly dreaded road trip, I better get a new phone before and quick because mine cracked and it's irritating me. We are going to be gone for a month up to the great lakes, so I can't say for sure if I'll be able to blog or not, it's okay I'll right it in a journal and then type it up when I get back. Which I might have to call someone to pick me up at the air port a few weeks early. :P Does anyone want post cards? I'm also going to draw a lot on this trip so you'll be able to see them up in aughust. I think I spelt that wrong.
Katie W. and I are going to be helpers this coming week at St. John Neuhmans Summer Son Bible Camp. We are going to be with the little preschoolers!!! They are sooo cute.
My parents bought me a guitar for Easter and they got me lessons. So far, I think I'm doing very well. I'm going to bring it on the trip and play Green Day, to annoy the crap out of my parents. Tee Hee. Unfortionatley it's an acoustic guitar so you can't really play any rock because it will just sound pretty. Does anyone have any song recomendations for me??? Prob not.
I'm soo boring on here, I just right soooo much and who wants to read all that. grrr.
But it's getting kinda late and I am tired so Night!.