Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello my non-existent fellow bloggers, (a.k.a. Kiahra, who is the only amazing person who ever reads my blogs, rants, or just plain ADHD trances.)
Now that I'm finished with introductions. I've been up since 1:30 a.m. and I'm not even tired. Obviously one of the very few perks of having ADHD, that and not getting in trouble in class for shouting out, "SQUIRREL!" or "accidently" flinging a pencil across the room, at your, well, not very well liked teacher. Why is Pittsburgh dreary this year, I mean come on, It's summer for crying out loud. I never really understood that expression. Because I'm not acctually crying out loud, or on the inside.
Latley I've become quite obsessed with Shakespeare, acctually with his piece "Romeo and Juilet" although in french class Juilet is spell Juilette. Oh well they sound the same. You probably already know the story, but I'll just be annoying and summarize it for you. Romeo falls in love with a girl named Rosaline. Rosaline never really liked him and decides to become a nun. Romeo is heart broken and becomes deeply depressed. At the same time, Juilet is going to be forced to marry this guy named Prince, or maybe he was a Prince and didn't have a name. Well the Capulets were having a masquerade ball at their home or mansion and Romeo and his buddies decide to crash it. Why? Because Rosaline is there... Duh. But the fates have something else in mind. Romeo meets juilet, they fall in love, they have some forbidden kisses, some famous lines are said, blah blah blah blah blah. Now here comes the interesting part. Romeo is a Montague, Juilet is a Capulet. Their families are rivals, I'm pretty sure you don't care why, but I'll tell you anyway. I think this imformation is correct, remember I'm only 13 so I make mistakes. Lady Capulet, when she was younger was going to marry I think Lord Montague, but he turned her down because he didn't want to marry a poor girl. So she went and married Lord (is that what they called them back then) Capulet vowing to hate and curse the montagues forever. Okay you can wake up now. I'm done. Well Romeo and Juilet want to marry but they need to fool their families since it's obviously not okay. They go to a priest or may be it was a monk, but not together because Romeo had to leave town because he killed one of juilets mean cousins. Who had killed one of his friends. He was driven out of town. Unfortionatley he never got the news that juliet wasn 't dead she just took a sleeping potion that made her look like she was dead (coma) so he Did suicide, then when she saw him she did suicide. Now the question is why do people want a perfect fairy tale romance like Romeo and Juilet did. I mean if it was like that we'd all be doing suicide.
Wow i'm sorry am I ever boring. I keep on getting distracted by the most randomest things, like lamps, squirrels, lights door knobs (mostly because I usually forget to open the door and end up walking into it. It's okay the doors fine) I especially hate revolving doors because I can't figure out how to get out of them, they are just so confusing, they keep going a round a round a round and a round and then i get dizzy and i stop and then the door hits me. Wow. Thats a really long run on sentence. Sorry. I once ever ran into a wall during a skating competition. lets just say that i didn't do very well (i got last)

I'm going to get off of here before I say something really embarrassing. Wait, I guess thats a little ot late.