Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother, mere, mama, mom, mommy, whatever she's called.

I love my mom.
I know.... Shocker.
Who doesn't love their mom? Don't answer that, some people might have reasons.
But I do not care.
My mom carried me for 9 months, throwing up and all those horrible things that come with pregnancy.
She had always prayed for a little girl with brown hair and big brown eyes. God must really love her, (He loves all of us.. duh! :P) because she got what she wanted. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes. (I would've preferred hazel eyes, but I'm not complaining.) My mom is my best friend. I go to her with everything. (Don't get me wrong, I love my daddy to pieces, but my mom and I have a bond that only a mother and daughter can have.)
She has always been there for me and for that, I am truly grateful.
I make sure to tell her that I love her every chance I get. You can never say "I love you" too much. I have learned that.
I do not know what I will do when she is gone.
But I do not want to think about that right now.
I still have plenty (God willing) of years with her.
I mean, I'm only in eighth grade, so I won't be going off to college for another 4 years. Oh boy... College. I seriously think that my parents are considering moving out to wherever I chose to go.... Do you know any good forensic science schools that are in Pennsylvania?
My mom tells me the best stories about my childhood. I have the worst memory of it. I think that it is because when I was 5, I hit my head on a tree and I blacked out for about 5 minutes. I seriously can only remember one or two things from before that.
My favorite story is about an elephant.... It might also be my most embarrassing story, but I've learned to laugh it off.
So I was at the zoo in the elephant house, sitting in my stroller minding my own business, waving at the baby elephant. Well apparently the mama elephant did not like this because she decided to pick up a pile of poop and chuck it at me. There I was totally relaxed, only to be suddenly covered in elephant crap. Mother's will obviously do anything to protect their children..
I just love my mom.
I know that I've already said that but I really, really do!
I hope that one day my daughter can look at me and feel the same amount of love (maybe even more) that I feel for my mom.
I know that my mom loves me because she drives me to school everyday. Now, I know that it doesn't seem that important, but she gets up in the morning at five, makes me my lunch, attempts to wakesup my dad and I, makes us breakfast, eats her breakfast, does her bible study, and is usually the one who is ushering me out the door. She drives me, even though she dreads it, because she's an awesome person. Now I doubt that she will drive me next year when I have to catch the bus at 6:30 a.m.  but that's okay because she has done so much for me already and I am grateful for that.
My mom has the best faith in God. She goes to church more than 2 times a week. She is always wanting to help people. She is always at the outreach or organizing functions to raise money or food for people who are less fortunate than us at church. I hope that one day I can be like her, it would be an honor. She, and my dad, are the ones that keep me active in my faith.
I know that my mom is my hero. She always will be.
I love her to the bottom of my heart.
So mom, thanks for being my mom and Happy Mother's Day.
Love you!