Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 12 of the RV trip, july 13

You know I seriously don't remember what we did today. Probably because it's the 25 and I'm trying to think back to the 13th. How many days is that... I need a calculator.
I think we went to an isolated beach today. Ya we did. Our doctor told us about it. It is so pretty and we found a ton of really cool rocks and fossils. We also brought the dogs with us. It's hilarious to see these tiny dogs trying to get a drink of water, but not knowing that you actually have to be like in the water, you can't just lick the sand. I also discovered that I have an eye for sea glass. After that I think that we went out to get some ice cream and then we went home and watched another DVD.
Oh well thats all I can remember!

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