Sunday, March 25, 2012


In life, there are always going to be those certain people who you just love. They are called "Friends."
Friends are people who you can look up too. They are the ones you can trust with your secrets. They are the ones that are always there for you and who you are always there for. Even though people have different opinions on what a friend is, they usually can agree on somethings. So I'm going to tell you what I think a true friend is....
1.) Someone you can look up to.
2.) Someone who is always there for you
3.) Someone who you are always there for
4.) Someone who you can trust
5.) Someone who trusts you
6.) Someone who knows your secrets
7.) Someone who laughs at you when you fall down... then helps you get back up... then pushes you back down.
8.) Someone who encourages you
9.) Someone who believes in you
10.) Someone who stands up for you
11.) Someone that you have a ton of things in common with.. or nothing in common with.
12.) Someone you can be yourself with.
13.) Someone who is like a sister/brother to you.
14.) Someone who you can be totally crazy with and they won't care at all.
15.) Someone who you talk to constantly
16.) Someone who you are inseparable from.
17.) Someone who you love like a sister/brother
18.) Someone who is like family
19.) Someone who will always forgive you
20.) Someone who lets you cry on their shoulder and knows that they can cry on yours.
21.) Someone who accepts you for who you are... even when you are being a bum.
22.) Someone who is totally okay that you are completely out of your mind
23.) Someone who knows you better than you do
24.) Someone who remembers your passwords and tells you them when you forget.
25.) Someone you can go shopping with
26.) Someone who knows your schedule better than you do (In a non-creepy way. :P)
27.) Someone who tells you "Good luck," and means it.
28.)Someone who helps you try new things
29.) Someone who is as crazy as you are
30.) Someone who will do whatever you want to do with you... even if it is a horrible idea and you could probably die trying it.

Friends, True friends, are extremely important. Whenever you have someone that special in your life, never let them go, even if they hurt your feelings. I've lost several good friends throughout my life. We stopped talking, moved our separate ways, and slowly faded out of each others memory. Never let that happen. You have to work through your problems. You guys have to talk it out! It's not everyday that someone who is like you in many ways, someone who understands you, and someone who you trust comes into your life. They are all different in many ways, even though they have the same qualities, but the one thing that they all have in common is.... You miss them terribly when they go.
Hold on to your friends, they are the ones who will be there for you in the high and low points in your life. Having many friends, even just one, is better than not having anyone to talk to.
This is a huge world, but out of the billions of people on this planet, only a few are your true best friends. That is why they are so important to hold on to.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Standardized Tests *Insert disapproval here*

I'm sure that everyone has taken a standardized test before. In my 14 years of life, I have taken the PSSA's, the IOWA's and the Cogats. I have probably taken more, unfortunately, I probably have memory loss from all the preparation we have to do for these tests... Which is the reason why I cannot remember if I have taken more or not.. (The sad part is... I have no clue what any of those stand for.) I have taken the PSSA's every year since 5th grade or maybe it was the IOWA's. I can't remember, but I do know one thing. Last week, the 13th, 14th, and 15th of March, the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders were taking the PSSA's.

I walked into my eighth grade homeroom with one of my best friends, Eliza. Everything seemed completely normal and fine... Until the guidance counselors came onto the announcements. *Attention teachers, make sure that all of your students are in your room. Please collect all cell phones, iPods, cameras, (cameras... really?) and any other electronic devices. Testing will begin shortly, please start distributing the test and answer booklets.* (I roll my eyes at their words, it was so obvious that they had rehearsed what to say many times.) Groans and complaints from my classmates filled the room, but I did not join in. As the teacher, Mr. P, walked around, collecting said "electronic devices," one of the many smart mouthed kids in my class decided to be difficult. "Mr. P, my calculator is electronic, do you need to collect that too?" "Nah." (My HR teacher is pretty cool, so he's used to it.) "But I can write messages on my calculator. Wouldn't that be considered cheating?" "Just don't cheat," Mr. P replies. "I can't promise anything....." Sometimes I wonder why people love making things difficult. I sit in my seat waiting for testing to begin, I just want to get it over with. Everything was going great, the math portion of the test was pretty easy, and I was almost done. I have had 3 good math teachers this year. The first one, Mr. M was diagnosed with colon cancer at the end of the 1st semester. To be honest, if he wasn't our teacher for that small portion of time, I would not have liked math as much.(Don't worry! He is all better, but he is waiting to come back. Recovering from cancer takes a long time!) His replacement was Mr. W... about half of the girls in our class had a crush on him, I was not one of them. Next comes Ms. C, she is so funny and a really good teacher. She is the one who has been preparing us for the tests. Now back on topic!
 I had just closed my test booklet, when someone decides to make farting noises. Now, I have to admit, it was pretty funny. You know how it is. Dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop, when suddenly someone.. you know... toots. Everyone was trying to cover up their snickers and giggles.. Quite unsuccessfully in my opinion. Mr. P tells us to settle down. (Apparently laughing could be considered cheating.... Oh standardized tests, do you know how much I love you?)
Next comes the reading portion. You have to read a passage on something, answer the multiple choice questions, then do a written response. After that, you read another passage or two, answer the multiple choice questions, and do another written response! It's so much fun! (NOT!)
Luckily the class listened to the teacher and behaved.
When I finished the reading portion, I once again closed my booklet. Looking around the room, I realized how amazingly intelligent my classmates are. A couple seats behind me, someone was "reading" their book upside down. That takes a lot of skill. Another was trying to catch food in their mouth.. trying. A couple were coloring stick figures with crayons.... not that there is anything wrong with crayons.. They're pretty fun to use.
Other than that, everyone else seemed normal.
The dead silence was rudely interrupted by the guidance counselors once more, *Teachers, there is 10 minutes left of testing. We will come on again to dismiss students who need extra time to specific locations. We will then dismiss students to first period. Please start collecting materials.* Again, waaayyyy to rehearsed. I practically have it memorized because we've been hearing the same thing since our first PSSA test. I guess some people don't like change.
This continued for 2 more days.
Everyday I heard the collective groans and the sighs of relief when the tests were over. I heard my friends and enemies saying, "Why do we have to do this?" "This is so stupid!" "They cannot force us to take these tests!"
I've learned that in life, you are going to have to do things you really don't want to do. Instead of complaining about it and making it more miserable for you and others, be positive. If you do it with a positive attitude, it will mostly likely be more enjoyable for you. (and for others because they won't have to hear you complain.) Life will be more enjoyable. I used to be really negative about taking standardized tests, but lately, I've realized that it is mandatory. I learned that I need to accept that I will take the tests. This time, in 8th grade, I was positive about them. I tried not to complain and at the end, I was able to be happy that I tried to do my best. I did not have the feeling of relief because they were over, instead, I had the feeling of satisfaction.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter what, if you have a positive attitude, you will come out smiling. (even if it takes a really long time to realize.)


I cannot believe that school is almost over... well, 3 months. Time really does fly! Not literally.
9th grade will be starting in August. I'm taking 4 honors classes. Honors Biology, Honors English, Honors Geometry, and Honors American and European History.  I have no clue why I capitalized all of those....
I'm not sure what else to say.
This was a very sucky blog post.
Don't do drugs.


How many of you have dreams? (That's a weird question to ask.. almost everyone has dreams.. I hope.)
I have the strangest dreams.
They are usually funny.
They are usually violent.
And they usually involve my friends getting pushed of cliffs by monkey's wearing tutu's....
They are also usually very twisted and my friends usually find them very offensive. I do too, because the monkey's usually attack me.
Last night I had a dream where I was reading a book. Normal, huh? Nope.
I was just sitting there reading the book, but the weird part is... someone was reading the book to me. I cannot remember the words, but it was so clear and it sounded like an actual story/passage. It wasn't like a romance novel or teen book, but it seemed like it was from a long time ago. What I mean is the kind of books that Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and other famous authors wrote. It had meaning and a purpose. I am not saying that the books these days are useless. They aren't. I love reading books so much. It's just that this one seemed like a legendary book. Okay. It sounded like a very advanced novel that Englished scholars would study, but this book probably did not exist. That is why I find this dream so weird. I've had a couple dreams like these before. I do not know how to explain it.
Okay, I should probably stop talking because you probably think that I have gone totally crazy... again.
So, the dreams with the monkeys..
They usually start off with one of my friends dancing very awkwardly, stupidly, and dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. They are normally wearing a really weird outfit. (One that they wouldn't be caught dead in) Then a random monkey runs out from a random bush that just decided to show up. They yell, "Boo!" at my friend, which then causes her to fall of the cliff...
I think that I need help.


It seems like I've been apologizing a lot lately on here. So here it goes, I'm sorry that I haven't been on here in a while, I've been so busy, blah, blah, blah. You get the point... right? Do you know what really annoys me?
People. Who. Always. Think. That. They. Are. Right.
I don't have a reason to get annoyed with them, it just happens. I was (notice how I said "was." This means that we are not friends anymore.) friends with this person who believed that they were always right. Remember, I'm only in 8th grade, so this is pretty cocky of him. He was positive that his political views, opinions for himself and for other people, his wants, his needs, his answers, literally everything, were correct. Sometimes they were, but other times, they were so far from right, it wasn't even funny.
 I am part Native American. One of my ancestors married Tecumseh's grand niece or sister. (I think that Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian Chief.) He tried to convince me that I was not Native American because it happened a long time ago. I might not have the "Native American" features, but the rest of my family does. According to him, I am not even "part" Native American because it happened, maybe, 400 years ago. I am not sure why, but I am extremely protective of my ancestry and family history. My dad and I both share the interest of where we are from and who our ancestors are. That was kind of an insult to me. You're most likely confused why... Even though they married into our family a few centuries ago, they are still part of our family and our history. If something happened a while ago, it doesn't mean that it never existed. It is still part of history, even if it is a small part. Okay, now I'm confused. I just don't like people telling me that my family history is wrong. You're probably thinking that I'm over reacting.
I'm not.
He then proceeded to tell me that my political views, my PARENTS political views, and my GRAND PARENTS political views were wrong. I hate politics. They get a lot of people in trouble and they cause a large amount of tension between people. That is why I am not choosing sides until I have to vote. Did I mention that this is coming from an 8th grader? Isn't that kind of.. oh I don't know... horrible? He said that not having a political party was wrong. I'm only 14, I won't be voting for another 4 years. I definitely will not be choosing his political party. I'm choosing my parents, 1, because I can, and 2. I want to tick him off.
This just has me so worked up, even though it shouldn't. I just need to get it off my chest, then I'll be okay.
He tends to assume that people want what he wants and he thinks that he knows what people want. He persistently told me that I wanted to take advanced gym. I am horrible at gym, I have absolutely no clue how I have an A. I would be amazed with a B. It's not that I'm fat or out of shape, I just really hate participating or sweating.... Did I mention that I have gym first period? (That is the reason that I don't like to sweat.) When I told him that I do not want to take advanced gym, he would not stop saying it. I like making my own decisions and I tend to get defensive when people repeatedly try to tell me what I want to do. I'm totally fine with my parents, family, and teachers giving me suggestions, ideas, and helping me out. (Also telling me how to do things, what to do, like chores, homework... etc.) I just don't want to be judged by someone who is my age. What does he know about life? What do I know about life?
I've been told that I'm annoying before. I'm totally fine with it too, it is part of who I am. The reason I've been called that is not because I tell people what to do (I don't) it is because I am literally crazy. (Ask Anyone!)
This guy, makes me want to rip out hair and scream a really loud frustrated scream. (Maybe do some foot stomping) He also makes me want to put duct tape over his mouth.. forever. Of course he would still be able to breath, because if he couldn't, then that would be mean! Duh. He makes me want to give him a Gibb's Slap. (NCIS people will get this.) Is that so wrong?
I just wish that people with true knowledge would share it with people and people who think that they have knowledge would keep their thoughts to themselves... or just post their opinions on Facebook and let people ridicule them....
The last thing that just makes me want to scream is that he thinks he is so amazing and that everyone loves him........  I think that anyone who is semi-intelligent would know that what he thinks ^^^^^^ right there.. is not right.
People like him make me extremely concerned for our generation......... God help us..