Saturday, December 10, 2011

Catching up continued (3)

I have always loved Thanksgiving. There is just something about it, the family, the parade, and maybe the fact that I can eat as much as I want, and not feel fat for eating like a hippopotamouse.(that is spelled wrong)
I also love decorating for Chistmas. We have two trees, one for the game room, and one for the living room. The one in the game room has all of the homemad ornaments, the kind that have sentimental value to my mom. (Since I'm very artistic, I take one look at the crafts I made in pre-school, and become so embarrassed) The tree in the living room has all of our other ornaments. I think that they are called, "Old World ornaments." We have a lot of them. Mostly they are of santa's, angels, or stars. But there are some that I absolutley love; a turtle, a fat penguin, a squirrel, and this fish that is rainbow.
I was allowed to start decorating the tree about 2 years ago. I drop and break many things....
Another thing about Christmas that I love is baking! My mom and I, mostly my mom, bake non-stop. Chocolate chip cookies, andes mints cookies, peanut butter cookies, hershey kiss cookies, and many other cookies.We could feed a small army!
I also enjoy getting presents, but I really like to give them too. It's always fun to watch the persons face as they open their gift. For my friends, we don't really give each other gifts, we just compete to see who can make the awesomest cards. It's really cool.
The best part about Christmas though, is that it's when Jesus was born.... and there's no school!

Catching up continued (2)

The months go by quickly, September, October, November, and now December. It's already half way into the second grading period. But lets rewind a little to... Halloween!
      Erin, Delaney, and I went trick-or-treating together this year. Yes, I know, a little childish, but who doesn't like free candy from total strangers? For me, candy is only one of the perks about Halloween, but the costumes, are everything. I don't go all out, my friends do, but I make sure that it is just right. We went as neon nerds. Plaid button down top tucked into shorts, zebra glow-in-the-dark suspenders, and neon animal print socks. We froze our butts off, mostly because it was 30 degress and raining, (we forgot the umbrella) but it was totally worth it though! In the end, we had so much candy that we had no clue what to do with it. This resulted in us having a huge candy war. There were only a few minor injuries...
Delaney and I ended up singing karaoke the rest of the night, well she sang, I don't really know what I did, but you wouldn't call it singing.
When I got home, I ate half of my candy, and I didn't even throw up. The only thing that sucked was that we didn't have monday off. This was not wise of the school because kids + candy + lack of sleep = crazy kids.
It's even worse for me, because of the ADHD. Before school I had even more candy, and about 2 cups of coffee, my hands were literally vibrating. When this happens its like the CAFFINE APOCALYPSE! I feel so bad for my teachers... and friends, I think that I bit around 7 people that day, half of them I didn't even know.
I'm going to stop writing before I say something that will probably get me arrested, or put in a mental hospital...

Catching Up.

I haven't blogged in a long, long time. Forgive me.
Time just flies whether or not you realize it. So many things have happened since I last wrote. Since it is a Saturday, and I don't have anything to do right now, I'm going to give you a summary of the past months.

           My perspective on the "First Day of School":
               You wake up extra early to get ready, who doesn't on the first day? You also have all of your outfits picked out for the whole week, back to school shopping is amazing! You then eat a light breakfast, because your stomach is to jittery with excitement to be hungry. Although you're dreading the long walk to my bus stop, okay, that's an exageration, but it is a big hill, you can't wait to see your friends! Your neighbor is already there, and his mom too, who is prepared with her camera, unfortionatley, is ready to start snapping photos. It's kind of a tradition to take a picture on the first day of school, for the parents. In every single one, all of us look so depressed, you can see the dread on each of our faces. Then the bus comes, you can hear it way before you see it, you get on, find a seat, and then the bus driver floors it before you're halfway down the isle. Everything's great, until you actually get to school. You wander around lost for half of the day, arriving 15 minutes late to almost every class, and realizing that you're not the only born with out a sense of direction. So far, you are loving it. No homework, great teachers, and classes with all of your friends. The day goes by quickly, the end bell rings, and you can almost hear everyone thinking, "Oh thank God!" You agree with them too, but you enjoyed the day, and you can't wait to come back tomorrow. Then it hits you, hard, you have to go to school tomorrow, and the next day, and the next for 185(?) days. Monday through Friday, with activities after school, you will try to squeeze in homework, but you can't guarentee anything. Suddenly the bus becomes a hearse, school becomes the prision, and the teachers, well they are just doing their job. School just isn't kindergarten anymore.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bridal Showers

Tomorrow, we are going up to West Virginia for my cousins bridal shower. There's something about weddings that makes every girl, little or old, fantasize about the dress, the wedding itself, and most importantly, the groom. In movies you see these big, white, perfect weddings, everything is just right, then the ex-boyfriend shows up, the brides still in love with him, so they run off to Vegas and get married by a Elvis impersonator, while the ex-groom stands there like a blinking idiot. Yep, that's definitley only in the movies.
The dress is one of the most important things. I've already started designing up dress ideas, not that I'm going to make any of them, maybe.
When the bride starts walking down the isle, everyone turns to look at her, and hopefully, they have a stunned look on their face. What I want you to do is when everyone turns to look at the bride, look at the grooms face. When you do you'll know why I told you to.

Hurricanes and Window Pains

Everytime that there's a hurricane coming, everywhere I look, (tv, computor, weather channel, my phone,) There are pictures or videos of people boarding up windows. That really confuses me because with the technology we have today, shouldn't we be able to make hurricane proof windows. I know that it would be very hard, and boarding up your windows might protect them from protect them from breaking, it just puzzles me.
Or better yet, why don't people just move out of the states that are hurricane prone! (is that used correctly) Seriously why would you want to live in a place where fercious storms rage through your towns, a couple times a year. This is only my opinion, but I couldn't handle worrying all the time about if my home is going to be destroyed, if my family is okay or not, if we loose our home, where will we go? I feel so bad for the people who are in the path of Hurricane Irene, just pray for them and their family.

Friday, August 26, 2011


What comes to mind when you think of that word. For some people they might be thinking about plays and theater, Wrong kind of drama! It's probably someone you know who likes to stir up, well, drama. We all know someone like that, the world just wouldn't be the same with out them....
Here's an example; If we killed Justin Beiber, (YES!) sure one or two people would be sad, but they would get over it... the only reason it's not dead is because killing is illegal. But if there were no dramatic people in the world, it would be so uninteresting and dull that we would all die of boredom and nothing to talk about. Which brings me to another subject.
Gossipers: I have to admit, I have gossiped, it's fun. But I definitley watch what I say, because it's never fun to be the subject. It's like it's programed into girls, to gossip, I'm not sure why. If we hear something about someone, one person might tell everyone, and another would keep it to themselves, until they find out if it's true or not. I'm kind of in the middle. I keep it to myselves, but if my friends are talking about it, I just listen, and then ask the person about it. Unless it's something really bad, then I just stay out of it.
Drama is one of the reasons that I don't really look forward to going back to school, all it takes is one girl, who thinks that her life is a soap opera, that the world is her stage, and that the people around her are other actors. I feel so bad for her target, even worse when it's me. That's only happened once, I just avoided her, and it stopped. Although, I know this is kind of mean, but it just cracks me up when I see someone on a mad rampage, like a tornado, tearing through the halls going looking for an unfortionate soul. When I think about it like that, it's pretty funny.
Most of the drama that I see is in books, and that's Romeo and Juliet, and from what I know, the drama that I'm talking about is NOTHING like that. By the way this isnt about anyone in particular, so no one take offense to this post. All that I want is a drama free, but entertaining and funny year.
A girl can dream... can't she?

Back to School

I know that you probably hate my guts right now for even bringing up this subject, don't worry, I hate them too.
Every where you look it's; back to school commercials, shopping, school supplies, countdowns, you name it. Have you guys seen that commercial, I'm not sure for what store, but random people start break dancing in the halls. In real life no one is going to bust out break dancing at school because they got new clothes. Get real.
To be honest, I actually really enjoy back to school shopping, why? Because I get a ton of new things, and more, because my birthday is September 5th, and school starts August 29th. I know that seems like quite a few days, but it's only a weeks difference. So more shopping, YAY! I just find it fun to get all the new school supplies, a new Vera Bradley bag, binders that I've already drawn on... actually I put a bunch of random quotes. My favorite part is decorating my locker! For some reason my locker NEVER shuts, I don't know why. I don't have that much stuff in it, thinking about it, I don't know what I have had in my locker, I feel bad for who ever gets my old one this year.
By the end of summer, I'm always ready to go back to school, I'm not sure why. I guess it's because I've done most of the things that I wanted to do, and I want to see my friends. Although, I still hate the bus, I usually get driven everyday, but not until we assign our seats... 8th graders get the back!

Music (continued.)

I had wanted to put a picture in my post, but I forgot, whoops! That's my guitar!


So as many of you probably know, or don't know, I'm very musical. I can't sing for my life, but I do play the guitar, piano, and violin. Thinking about it, that isn't very musical...
I started guitar two months ago, and I'm getting okay at it... not really. I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar, and in 3rd grade I got a pink electric guitar for Christmas... (Its a piece of crap) and I promised Santa that I would take lessons, I lied. So after 4 years of really wanting to learn how to play guitar, I finally got one for Easter. This time I was able to pick it out.
I took my electric guitar to one of my lessons, to see if it needed fixed or anything,  my guitar teacher pretty much hinted that it was a piece of crap, and that I should just get a new one. So I've been looking online, and my neighbor, who has like seven guitars, has been showing me his, so that I can see what I like. I ended up getting a Epiphone Faded G-400 something electric guitar, in worn cherry. I'm pretty excited about it! It was 299.00, which was pretty expensive for me, since it was my first electric guitar, that I bought, but I'm sure it's going to be totally worth it.
I've got to go practice!

Friday, August 19, 2011

More RV Vacation Photos

I hope you enjoy some more of our pictures from my families vacation. I finally found my usb cord. It was in my case where I put chargers. I'm so smart.
Btw, I hope you like sunsets....
Sunsets on our first day

At the Tee Pee camp

Fourth of July sunset

"Baby you're a fire work"

Come on let your colors burst

Make them go

Oh, Oh, Oh

You're gonna leave them all in

Awe Awe Awe

We were at a winery and they had horses so we went down to see them!

On our 2 hour private trail ride

On the Isolated Beach


Pretty silver sunset

On Empire Beach watching the Ah-mazing sunset with other people from Indigo Bluffs

Evan and I making a sand castle

Me on the Empire Beach, Evans on the Left

More pictures of the sun setting

Even more pictures...

Our walk way to the pond at Indigo Bluffs
Some beach near a light house
Walk way to the "Isolated Beach"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pictures from my families summer vacation

These are only SOME of our MANY vacation photos. I couldn't find the USB cord to my camera, which had quite a few photos on it, so I wasn't able to load it. I tried to find some photos that wern't meaningless! But don't worry there will be more to come! 
Please turn off your cells phones and enjoy the self control slide show.
Day one....
Empire, Michigan   Empire Beach
my mom and dad

The really nice lot that we stayed at after we extended our stay for 9 days and we got moved.
The thing that looks like a "shed" has a full size refridgerator, sink, table, chairs, counter, bar, and has sliding metal doors that open up the outdoor bar table. Yes that is my dad's motorhome.

Sunset at Empire Beach. If anyone is in Michigan, and they love beautiful sunsets, this is the place to go!

Our last day, well at Indigo Bluffs, we still have to go to the Shrine of the Little Flower. ! :'( On the isolated beach!

Walk way down to the isolated beach.

Me with my dad on the Empire Beach.

My mom and I somewhere, I'm really not sure.

The sandcastle we built at the Tee Pee camp.
Before it was crushed RUDELY!

Me by the pond at Indigo Bluffs.

My dad and I, trying (unsuccessfully) to hide behind a tree. My dad and I always take a picture with trees on our vacation.

A really cool tree that we saw. lol it kind of looked like the one from harry potter that hit everyone.

A steep drop off from a sand dune. Those are people down at the bottom! Good luck getting back up.


Biscotti, Mia, and Bella think that they own my bed, hate to break it to them but... they don't

Fourth of July sunset before the amazing firework show! I didn't get very good photos.

My mom, dad, and I went hiking on the sleeping bear dunes, well some of them. We had to follow the paths! Do you like my hiking out fit.

On Mackinaw Island. They had a lot of these turtles around... kinda weird.

On another beach.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The (at)Last Day..... Day 27 of the RV trip, July 28th

Well, you know how I fell asleep to the rain last night, it turns out that my parents didn't. My dad told me that there was a huge thunder storm last night that just kept going on and on. He even said that it made the other thunder storm while we were at Indigo Bluffs look like child's play. The rain was coming off our awning like a water fall, and it even made the awning sag 18 inches with water. My dad even rolled up the awnings, by leaning out the windows, ha ha, and unplugged the power cords from the camp site. He thought that there could of been a flash flood, and was getting ready to evacuate. He just gets paranoid some times, hmmm... I wonder where I get it from. Luckily there wasn't a flash flood, and I can't believe I slept through the WHOLE thing!!! We took off from the camp and headed to Royal Oak, where the shrine is, and get this, we didn't even get lost once! The shrine and church was so amazing! I would love to go there some other time. We left the church at 3:17 and headed home, this time to Pittsburgh. Around 5 we stopped at a rest area in Ohio, what was cool is that they had RV hook up's, and you can stay there all night, for only 20 dollars. My dad rested a little, and we got something to eat, fast food... eww! We hit the road again around 6, we still have 4 hours to go, but for me it doesn't seem long at all. Because this time we are going home for real.
To summarize my vacation:
I first started off thinking that my parents were trying to punish me and ruin my life... well my dad was because he bought the RV. At first everything went wrong, doors shattered, we got lost.... a lot... using a GPS and map quest, I was to shy to go up to other kids and make friends, and it was like sitting in an air plane, with 3 chihuahuas that are terrified, during a tornado, with really bad turbulence.
But after we got to the other camps and I saw that a lot of people actually RV for fun, I was kind of convinced that my parents weren't that crazy. When we got to Indigo Bluffs, I realized that I could handle this. I fell in love with Michigan, especially the Lake Michigan and the Isolated Beach. I love the weather, and it is nothing like the crime and hustle-bustle of the city Detroit. People leave signs saying 3 dollars for a pound of cherries, pick your self, on the side of the road. It's all on your honor, because they trust that you will pay. There's even 5 dollars for fire wood and the fire wood is on the side of the road. Every one was so nice and relaxed. Do you know how good it feels to not have an activity every day, or a doctors appointment? For a straight month!? It feels great and don't tell my dad this but now I'm actually kind of happy that he bought the RV, named iRV. lol... At first I was so against it, I swore that I would never change my mind, and that I would not survive the horrid trip. (I would die of embarrassment.) But know I've realized that people can change, even me, who hates change! Unless it's in clothes, like new designs at Abercrombie that are super cute... that I'm definitely okay with.   Anyways I'm still probably never going to get used to the turbulance and walking into doors, cabinets, etc. But I will learn to... uh... mutually like... this home on wheels. True fully it's much better than a hotel. You don't have to pack and unpack. You sleep in your bed and use your pillow every night and you can have your pets with you, all the time. Oh! Another thing that I like about Michigan is that it is very pet friendly, almost everywhere we went pets were allowed! People really like chihuahuas'. All in all, I actually really enjoyed the trip. Although it is a great way to embarrass your thirteen year old daughter... for about the first 2 weeks, after a month I realized that I was just telling myself that I hated it, when really, I just wanted that voice to shut up and let me enjoy the "bumpy" ride. I'm really going to miss Michigan and Indigo Bluffs, but that will make me love it even more when I go back next year.
Honestly I didn't really miss my friends that much, I had a cell phone with me, and wifi, so I didn't miss much. But dad I'm warning you, If you sell the house and make us live in this.... I know where you sleep... But if you want to buy a boat I'm totally okay with that, or maybe a summer home up in Michigan... we can sell the one in Hidden Valley.
You know what they say. Never judge a book by it's cover, until you've seen what's inside. Or, "Never judge an RV by the movie, until you've experienced the real thing."
See you next summer.

Day 26 of the RV trip, July 27th

Today is a sad and happy day. We are leaving Indigo Bluffs and heading home, well first to The National Shrine of the Little Flower. Or St. Therese. But before I get started on that I would really like to give Indigo Bluffs RV resort a review.
If it were rated out of 5 stars, I would give it 10... or more. The lots are absolutely beautiful and you aren't right up against you neighbor. When you first pull into the resort you see the check in building, clubhouse, and a large heated pool. You drive a little ways down a long road and then the ponds come into view first, with the waterfalls, then all of the wild flowers. The lots are concrete with a stone design in them, they are kind of like a huge drive way, with a couple chairs and a fire pit on each one. The staff was so nice and was just awesome. They even have a really nice air conditioned laundry room.  That is one of the reasons we are going there for a month next year in the summer. So if you ever want an awesome, beautiful, and relaxing vacation, Indigo Bluffs is the choice for you!

Okay so we left pretty early in the morning, around 10:30 ha ha. We said good bye to the staff, one in particular. Janice, she was so nice and I can't wait to see her next year. My mom took the rental car back to the rental car place and then we drove up past Petoskey to get the RV steps fixed. They broke some how and wouldn't go in for most of the trip, so we had to bungee cord them while we were driving. They got fixed, and we took off to another camp to just spend the night at. The camp was actually really nice, nothing like Indigo though. But we decided that it would be a good place to stop the first night of our trip next summer. It started raining around ten, but I found it peaceful so I fell right asleep.
Tomorrow we will be going the shrine and then home. Finally.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 25 of the RV trip, July 26th

Yes! I'm finally caught up to date on my blog!
Okay so today I slept in to 10:30 that's not really sleeping in, but oh well. I'm always tired. My dad was cleaning like crazy, vacuuming and organizing. I even think he vacuumed out side! We went to the isolated beach one last time, because we are leaving Indigo Bluffs tomorrow. :'( Then we went to Gallagher's for ice cream, ha ha. We also stopped in Empire because my parents wanted to look in a store. Then we came back home because there was a wine tasting at the club house at 5. Don't worry they served non-alcoholic beverages too. We got to say good bye to the people that we made friends with and to the owner, I feel so weird calling them that, I don't know why, like I feel like I'm coming off as stuck up. I'll call him mr. becker. I'm pretty sure that's spelled wrong. Sorry! My parents wanted to run out again so I sat at the pool while they were gone and read a book. When I came home I made a s'more on the fire one last time.
Well now your all caught up.
Tomorrow we will be on the road again, and you know how hilarious that will be for me..... not.
But all in all, so far our trip has really been pretty good.
Shhh don't tell my dad I said that, he might make us take another RV trip somewhere else.... where people might actually know me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully luck is on our side, night!

Day 24 of the RV trip, July 25th

Today we went to the Grand Traverse City mall, because I wanted to go to Hollister and American Eagle. (all AE jeans are on sale!) They didn't have an abercrombie because it went bankrupt 3 days after Christmas. After the mall we went to Low's for my dad and then we went grocery shopping! Lol.
But I've got to go, Night

Day 23 of the RV trip, July 24th

Okay so I think we went back into Empire today for the art festival, idk. It was a pretty cool festival, and my dad got a really awesome fossil. He also bought my mom 2 heart shaped petoskey pendants. Then he bought this picture, thats made of fabric and is quilted, it's really cool. The only bad thing is that it was so hot, the kind of hot that is just so humid, but with a breeze. I'm sure your thinking "well if there was a breeze then why were you so hot?" Because it was a hot breeze, by the time we got out of there... just never mind. After the art festival we went out to eat at a restraunt. It was really good. When we got back to the RV, my mom told me to go online to abercrombie kids and We were able to order a bunch of clothes from there, since obviously the sale was going on online too. After that I worked on my blog, trying to update everything. As you can see I didn't finish, since it is the 26th and I'm on the 24th.

Day 22 of the RV trip, July 23rd

So today I mostly drew, but my picture was really horrible so I'm never going to show it to anyone. Katie just told me that there is a 50% off sale on red lines at abercrombie and hollister! Grr I need to find a mall! We went back to the isolated beach today, then after we stopped at Gallagher's for ice cream. Yum! I'm so tired, so I'm going to go to bed! Night

Day 21 of the RV trip, July 22nd

Today is Katie's birthday party! Hope it goes well!
Today was another lazy day, I went up to the pool for a while reading books, while my parents went out grocery shopping. It seemed a little weird when there was only an adult in the pool, but then I realized that it was adult swim... after 2 (obnoxious) boys kept asking their dad when they could go in the pool. It wasn't until 2 p.m. that adult swim was over. Then all of the peace and quiet was broken. Evan's family was going back home today, and I really needed another petoskey polishing class. Oh well I'll have to wait until next year. Oh I forgot to mention that we already booked another month June 14th to July 14 on the same lot we are on now, for next summer! That's how much we like it here! But I've got to go!
Tomorrow's another day,

Day 20 of the RV trip, July 21

Today we had a lazy day, I went outside and read a couple books. I got a lot of sun too. When I finished all of my books I went down to the pond and caught some tad poles. Don't worry I made a little enclosure in the pond out of small rocks, but they are smarter than they look, they figured out how to get out. My dad found this really tiny frog like  t h i s__  big on one of our hoses. It was so cute!
To be honest I really can't remember what we did for most of the days, I keep looking at my texts to friends for clues about what we did... I'm pathetic.

Here's some stuff that I remember, but I can't remember exactly what day, but I know that they happened in the next few days, or later on in the week.
Evan, 10 years old, one of the owners' sons, does petoskey polishing classes. He asked me to take one, so I bought a kit for 3 dollars and got a petoskey stone from the RV. It was pretty fun and messy. After that we got on our bikes and went down to the pond to look for more. But really he was trying to, unsuccessfully, catch frogs.
Thats really all, ha ha.

Day 19 of the RV trip, July 20th

Happy 13th birthday Katie W.! (my best friend) I'm sorry I can't make it to your party on the 22nd, I'm sure you'll understand... don't worry you'll still get a gift.
Okay guess what we did today????!!!! We went to the isolated beach again. We just really like it there, ha ha. I found a ton of sea glass and some really pretty stones. Same with my parents. Some days there is a ton of algae in the water, and it's like super gross. When it's high tide it gets all over the beach and you don't really want to go into the water, because it's so gross. I forgot to mention in my previous posts, there are always a couple pair of swans in the water on the beach. It's really pretty because when the suns setting and they are in the water. We got some really good pictures of them. Ha ha, I say that about everything.

Day 18 of the RV trip, July 19th

I'll try not to bore you with the details. We went to the beach again today. Thats really all. Not much to it. I'm starting to get a little homesick but not much. Our trips going to end soon, but for now I'm just enjoying whats left.

Day 17 of the RV trip, July 18th

12:17 a.m. There's a severe thunder storm going on. The sky literally lights up every second, its like someone taking a picture, with flash on, in the middle of a power outage... at midnight. Although I can't really hear any thunder. It's pretty scary so my dad stayed up with me for a while just watching the storm. He said that this is normal, (all the lightning) because we are on a lake and the ground is so flat, so it lights the sky up more. Unlike Pittsburgh where it's not very flat. But I don't live in the city, so I wouldn't know. The storm went on until 3 a.m. then it moved on. It really cooled down, because as many of you know, if you have access to a tv or computer, we are in a heat wave. Along with like 17 other states, but still. We took the dogs to the isolated beach again today, the waves were kinda rough, but it was still pretty. Then we just came home and relaxed.... shocker.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 16 of the RV trip, July 17

Today we went to church, obviously cause it's sunday. Then we drove into Traverse City to find a target and a low's. We ended up eating lunch at out back and we had to ask directions a couple times to find a target. Ha Ha. I looked at some school supplies and I got a zebra print back pack and a purple calculator!
But seriously I'm tired, it's 11:41 p.m. and I've been updating my blog since like 8 p.m.
P.S. I'll post more tomorrow, If I remember!

Day 15 of the RV trip, July 16

Okay so today we went to the isolated beach again, we found some sea glass and fossils, same old same old. Ha Ha.
So tonight we are going to the Empire beach with the owners family and a bunch of other people from the camp. To watch the sunset. I ended up hanging out with Evan, he's ten, and his dad owns the place. We made a huge sand castle and like it had a moat that kept filling with water. We even put huge rocks in it so if someone tried to knock it down they would at least break a couple toes. Well can you guess what happened next. Ya his other 3 brothers, one's 7, 14 and the other one is a freshman or something, they took off the rocks and then they knocked it down. They made evan cry! But it's okay because I know that they were just jealous about how awesome we are at making sand castles. I don't hold grudges, actually I don't even know what a grudge is. Oh well, I'll look it up later.
I've got to go to bed!

Day 14 of the RV trip, July 15

 okay so this is a "shed" There is a refridgerator, table and chairs, ice maker, sink, and it opens up so it's like a bar. It's kind of like the play house I never had.
 this is the path way that leads down to a electric fire pit and out door table and chairs. The pond is right in front of it.
 This is another view of the pond from the back of the rv
Okay so this is like kinda the patio, I know that It's not a very good picture. I'll try to take more later. The thing thats covered is a grill. 
Yay! I'm happy! We extended our stay at Indigo Bluffs for another week and guess what! We get to stay at the really pretty lot on the pond! Here are some pictures! (UP ABOVE)
We just relaxed all day and rode our bikes around. well my dad and I did!
Well i've got to go!